■ 免费机场和酒店接送服务
■ 公开和诚实-无隐藏成本
■ 快速高效的团队
■ 热情友好
■ 价格仅为19.99美元/天,非常划算!
■ 无取消费
■ 没有借记卡或EFTPOS费用
■ 信用卡费用限制为2%
我们为每辆租车提供24小时路边援助.如果您遇到困难,只需拨打AA电话0800 734 543,告知您的注册号码.
所有人都喜欢自驾游. 自己规划的行程,可以随意更改. 可以自由和灵活地选择自己的路. 更别提在这片孕育了《指环王》的土地上创造回忆了.
当您去新西兰旅行时,租车可能是您的终极选择. 如果您想享受那些令人惊叹的风景或参观南岛的羊.
但在您去“租车基督城”或“租车皇后镇”之前,我们有一个全面的指南,会告诉您在 Aotearoa 租车需要知道的一切.
由于新西兰是一个讲英语的国家,所有的驾车者必须持有英语驾照,或者携带官方翻译的驾照. 所以,我们的建议是在您去新西兰旅行之前做好翻译工作,或者至少作为您去新西兰的第一件事.
如果您选择前者,那么您所在国家的领事馆应该能够提供帮助. 但如果您决定在新西兰完成,那么新西兰运输局将为您完成翻译.
新西兰有美丽的道路.但它们很小. 然而,他们用大而清晰的标志来弥补这一点,帮助您导航.
在新西兰开车时要注意的另一件事是单车道桥. 这意味着桥梁一次只能容纳一辆车. 如果两辆车从桥的两端开过来,那么有路权的那辆车将首先通过桥.
要知道自己是否有先行权,完全取决于道路两端的大路标. 有通行权的一侧会有一个蓝色的标志和两个箭头; 一个白的,一个红的.
新西兰的天气是臭名昭著的. 它可以随时改变.
所以,在您开始公路旅行之前,您需要查看当天的天气预报. 我们想要强调的是,如果您要在冬天去新西兰旅行,这一点尤其正确.
新西兰是一个动物丰富的国家. 我们国家有2500多万只羊,比全国人口总数还要多.
在计划您的公路假期时,我们建议您先做研究. 而在选择新西兰租车公司的时候,有几件事要记住:
Read article >穿越新西兰
无论您是在寻找基督城租车还是奥克兰租车,EZU Car Rental 都不会让您失望.
FAQS About Car Rentals in New Zealand
Whether for business or leisure, New Zealand received almost 3 million visitors in 2019. Tourist numbers dropped due to the global pandemic, but those figures are set to get back on track this year.
The majority of visitors choose to travel to New Zealand by car. It's the most convenient and efficient way of exploring the land of Kiwis. But there are also plenty of questions to be answered before you rent cars in New Zealand.
To make your journey by car as smooth as possible, we compiled a list of the most FAQs. And answered everything from the best car rental in Christchurch to the cost of parking.
If that interests you, keep reading to uncover the answers to the most FAQS about a car rental in New Zealand!
How Much Does It Cost to Rent a Car in New Zealand?
The cost of each car varies. It also depends on the duration of time you wish to rent one.
Our budget-friendly Auckland car rental service starts at only $19.99! You also get the bonus of no debit card and EFTPOS fees.
Can I Rent an Automatic Car?
Yes, you can! If you're not used to driving a stick shift, no need to worry, we have a wide range of automatic cars.
What Type of Cars Can I Rent?
You can rent anything from large people movers to compact hatchbacks. So whether you're traveling solo or with a group of friends, you can find the perfect car for you.
We also have SUVs for those exploring outside the towns and cities.
Can I Pick up a Rental at the Airport?
You can pick up car rentals at the Auckland car rental, Christchurch, and Queenstown airports. You can also select a different drop-off location from where you began your journey.
Choose the Best Car Rental in Christchurch and Beyond
There are many reasons you should rent a car in New Zealand, but there are also plenty of things to know before you rent one.
Today we answered most FAQs about car rental in New Zealand. So now, you should know all the information and why traveling by car is the best option. If you still have questions about a car rental in Christchurch, contact us today, and we'll be happy to help!
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您的安全是我们的首要任务.新西兰的道路尤其具有挑战性.为了您自己的安全,我们建议您阅读“行车安全”网站(drivesafe.org.nz)和新西兰交通局发行的小册子《新西兰驾驶》"Driving in New Zealand"(nzta.govt.nz).
New Zealand Car Rental: The Best Way To See the Country
基督城分行 探索城市
168 Orchard Road, Harewood, Christchurch 8051
Monday - Sunday 08:00 am to 06:00 pm (after-hours available)